DISCLAIMER: These news articles are accurate at time of print.
TPP S1 – QOF flag
TPP’s usage of the QOF Flag within the code browser has changed over the last few years. It now does not only represent codes appropriate to use just for QOF; it represents any code which gets extract... more
11 Feb 2023Clinical System Problem Headers
Do your clinicians get frustrated by a chaotic list of problem headings in patient records? Do they struggle to see exactly what the patient’s current problem list is? Has using locums resulted in... more
4 Jul 2022Optimising Access
Access is complex and challenging, you are never going to be able to please all, however, it is the current topic of the moment, the area where you receive most complaints and for many, the area which... more
2 Jun 2022Have you migrated from Vision to Emis Web in the last 4 years?
You may well have some issues with coding of vaccinations... Some vaccinations may have been mapped as individual items rather than as one - i.e. MMR may have come across as 3 items....... more
2 Dec 2021Restoring General Practice
The backlog for practice’s due to COVID-19 is enormous for many, it’s hard to know just where to start. Insight have created a list of searches (Emis Web & SystmOne) to help practice’s prioritise... more
11 Jun 2021Clinical System Training for new starters or ARRS staff
Do you have new members of staff but little time to give them the clinical system training they need? Is your PCN taking on additional staff through the ARRS (pharmacy technicians, paramedics... more
13 Apr 2021TPP & EMIS Web: set up GP Connect Appointment Management
GP Connect has been enabled at all TPP and EMIS practices to make appointment booking possible across organisations, including bookings from the COVID Clinical Assessment Service (CCAS) and NHS 111.... more
3 Jul 2020Recently been through a clinical system migration?
Do you check your practice capitation? Are there patients who are only registered with an applied status and not full GMS?... more
2 Sep 2017