What can we do to maximise QOF over the next two months?

Thursday 1st Feb 2024


PCA’s - have you sent invites to patients in your target groups, those patients negatively affecting you? Personalised care adjustments (previously high level exceptions) are now automatically applied as soon as you send and code the 2nd invitation - as long as you have used the correct invite codes (for Insight Members, there is a guidance document containing all codes available on the Portal).

Patient Unsuitable codes - are there patients in your target lists who are not clinically appropriate to review? An example could be a patient with cancer, it may not be appropriate at this time to invite them for their asthma review, therefore, a patient unsuitable code, backed up with freetext to support, would be more appropriate in this instance.

Cholesterol - 5 medication clusters, if a patient declines or is unsuitable for 1 medication, still eligible for the other 4 groups. Instead of adding in individual declines for all groups, add lipid lowering therapy declined, they will then be excluded from all medication groups.

Depression - those patients whose on-going care is being provided by specialist mental health services may have a personalised care adjustment applied.

Single indicator exceptions - these include allergy codes, contra-indications and maximum tolerated doses to name but a few. Do you have patients on maximum hypertension medication but their BP remains out of target? Where appropriate, maximum tolerated codes demonstrate good patient care.

Prevalence/Registers - prevalence data is extracted on the 31st March, this extraction determines the value for each of your disease register points for the last year (446 out of your 635 points). Patients missed off registers will drop the value of these points significantly, validating your registers is a must, many patients missed will have been reviewed so you are carrying out your contractual responsibility but not getting paid for it. For more information on our QOF Prevalence Health Check to validate your registers, please contact us.

Obesity register - any patient with a latest BMI greater than 30 older than 12 months will not be included on your register this year. Send a message to all patients asking for an updated weight, any patient added to this register will just the value of the 8 points on offer.

SMOK004/005 - text patients with information regarding benefits of stopping smoking, signposting them to local stop smoking services, code smoking cessation advice given.

QI domains - 6 indicators, require manual submission once completed on CQRS.

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