Switching on access to online GP records (Deadline - 31st October 2024)

Thursday 5th Oct 2023

All practices must contractually provide their patients with online access to new (prospective) health information in their GP records (unless exceptions apply) by 31 October 2023.

Actions for EMIS practices - last chance to bulk enable your patients

Emis can automatically enable patient access to medical records. Sessions are available for practices to book for Emis to ‘bulk enable’ access. Practices needed to sign up in September, if you have not signed up contact Emis for more information.

TPP SystmOne

User guide available for practices to follow the process - https://future.nhs.uk/connect.ti/NHSXImplementation/view?objectId=138997253

Practices should not bulk-apply the SNOMED code ‘1364731000000104 Enhanced review indicatedbefore granting access to your own health record’ to their patients. Changes to the GP contract 2023/24 only allow for people to be excluded from online record access if they are individually identified as at-risk or individually decide to opt-out.

If you have bulk-applied the SNOMED code ‘1364731000000104 Enhanced review indicatedbefore granting access to your own health record’ to large cohorts of patients, you should ensure that individuals who are not individually at risk have a SNOMED code ‘1364751000000106 Enhanced review not indicatedbefore granting access to your own health record’ applied before your bulk enablement processes are run.

When considering safeguarding issues, it is important to remember patients will only be able to see new information as it is saved in their health record after the practice go-live date. More information around safeguarding in this instance is available - https://digital.nhs.uk/services/nhs-app/nhs-app-guidance-for-gp-practices/guidance-on-nhs-app-features/online-access-to-gp-health-records/safeguarding-patients-from-harm-or-distress

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