Pharmacy First – updating patient records

Thursday 8th Feb 2024

Following on from our article in the January newsletter, Pharmacy First will go live from 31st January 2024. As part of the commitment to roll-out a new Pharmacy First service, NHS England is funding improvements to the digital infrastructure between general practice and community pharmacy. From February 2024 onwards, community pharmacy IT systems will start to automatically send details of a pharmacy consultation to the GP clinical IT system, ready for a GP to check and update the patient’s record. This will remove the current need for staff to transcribe information from emails. GP clinical IT system suppliers will enable this functionality by default. Further supplier specific information is available:

Emis Web -

  • GP Connect Update Record will update a patient's GP record with details of a consultation held at a community pharmacy with GP Connect Messaging being used to transfer the data in a structured format, informing the GP of the consultation details.
  • This structured data will be filed on the patient’s record as a provisional consultation and a workflow task created for the data to be reviewed and actioned. Any medication issued will be automatically filed.

SystmOne -

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