MH021 - PCA’s & AF008

Tuesday 12th Dec 2023

MH021 - PCA’s

Following on from our October newsletter, we have an update!

Top level PCA codes, such as informed dissent, patient unsuitable and non responders, will not affect achievement for this indicator. However, individual declined codes will remove patients from an element if all 6 have been accounted for - so 4 elements achieved, 2 elements declined, patient excluded, if 4 elements have been achieved and only 1 declined, you will not achieve this indicator for this patient.

Remission codes will remove patients from all indicators as normal.


In our November edition, we reported the following issue for Emis Web practices - Apixaban appears to have disappeared from the drug list for AF08 - this may well have resulted in your achievement for AF08 dropping significantly if this is your preferred DOAC. It has been reported and we imagine it will be fixed imminently so if your achievement has dropped this is likely to be the cause.

We can confirm S1 has now followed suit! This is clearly a national issue where the generic has been removed from the drug group. Dabigatran, Edoxaban and Rivaroxaban all still have their generics included.
It appears DOACs aren't the only area affected. Generic Ezetimibe is not included in Lipid Lowering Therapy drug groups when the branded is. This issue may be affecting other drug indicators. If you are having issues with QOF indicator drug groups, it is more than likely this is the problem. It has been indicated this will be fixed in the next drug update.

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